
딥러닝에 따르면 인간의 지구온난화 목표는 10년 안에 좌절됩니다.

2023.03.30 | 조회 1564


딥러닝에 따르면 인간의 지구온난화 목표는 10년 안에 좌절됩니다.

무슨 짓을 해도 온도 상승을 막을 수 없다는 충격적인 결과가 발표됐습니다.

앞으로 인류의 미래는 어떻게 될까요?

- 내용출처:

1. 임수근, “"지구촌 온난화 억제 목표 '1.5도' 10년 안에 좌절"...AI 분석결과”, YTN사이언스, 2023

2. Christian Edwards, “A dire forecast: Scientists used AI to find planet could cross critical warming threshold sooner than expected”, CNN, 2023

3. Gabrielle Canon, “Earth is on track to exceed 1.5C warming in the next decade, study using AI finds”, The Guardian, 2023

4. Jesssica Corbett, “AI Study Warns World Could Hit 2°C Within Decades—Even With Emissions Cuts”, Common Dreams, 2023

5. Noah S. Diffenbaugh et al, “Data-driven predictions of the time remaining until critical global warming thresholds are reached”, PNAS, 2023


6. Jochen Hinkel et al, “Coastal flood damage and adaptation costs under 21st century sea-level rise”, PNAS, 2014 (http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1222469111)

7. Drew Shindell, “Quantified localized health benefits of accelerated carbon dioxide emissions reductions”, nature climate change, 2018 (doi.org/10.1038/s41558-018-0108-y)

8. James Temple, “At this rate, It's going to take nearly 400 years to transform the energy system”, MIT Technology Review, 2018

9. Nauels, “Linking Sea Level Rise and Socioeconomic Indicators”, Environmental Research Letters, 2017 (doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aa92b6)

10. Robert McSweeney, “The Impacts of Climate Change at 1.5C, 2C, and Beyond”, Carbon Brief, 2018 

11. 임재희, “전 세계 과학자들이 무더기로 체포되고 해고된 이유”, 스브스뉴스, 2022

12. Climate Ad Project, “Scientist Rebellion at Chase Bank Los Angeles”, Youtube, 2022

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